Mask Up Melbourne


We are a third of the way through Lockdown 2.0, I read this morning.  Not quite strictly accurate!  Some parts of Melbourne have been at Stage 3 longer than.  And the numbers of cases, deaths and COVID Tests have never been greater in Victoria. So..we are still not quite sure what the future government policy might dictate.

As the world community contends with the impacts of COVID-19, I live in a true multi-generational family household.  The ages on our property span from; our 12 week old puppy to my 95 year mother-in-law from whom we are carers. My husband and I are the generation in between. We have a Grade 6’er and two first year Uni students living here.  We have a gap between our children, so our life is always complex, fun and we are forever learning new things (and seemingly doing things wrong).  During Lockdown 1.0, I learnt all about TicToc and the language it uses.  So different to what the same things were called when our almost 19 year old son was first into social media – 6 short-long years ago. I also learnt that I had not invited my family to speak about how they were feeling; so whilst we cooked, baked, made art, listened to music and exercised, we did not talk.   I left Lockdown 1.0 sobered that though I know lots about caring, personally and professionally that I had made some glaring errors in my care of everyone in our household.

Thankfully as we in our household reflected on the damage 1.0 had wrought, I had spoken to everyone about what we could have done differently. I called out that I had not allowed for discussion about how we were all feeling about stuff, not just COVID specific, and the young people spoke about contributing more to the household.  Equally wonderfully we translated intent into action.

Thus we have entered 2.0, wiser, more communicative with each other about our needs, and with a joint isolation project – Our Puppy.  Yet as much as we know, and as much as we care about ourselves and others, this is still a difficult gig.  Photos that crop up of this time last year on social media, make us envy our own lives.  This self-envy is something that is a little disquietening, or worse. The etiquette about masking up and doing the right thing of ourselves, our community, the world is fast evolving and a little challenging.  The younger generation is teaching me about how to navigate this world.  

So the theme of this week for me, personally and professionally has been self-care.  It has really been a case of putting the brakes on for a reflective break.   It is not about doing things well, but repairing as we need to.  Tending to our physical, social, emotional, relational and intimacy needs is our lifeblood in lockdown.  Going gently with ourselves and others is the key, as we step beyond these constraints offered us.

If you feel like you need support please contact me. I am experienced on Telehealth. It is a researched, viable and practical approach to therapy, particularly in these COVID-19 times.